

Folks, we are nervous and excited. That disgustingly awesome blend of anxiety and joy which is synonymous with *looks around to make sure no one is eavesdropping, then whispers* FUNDRAISING.

It’s a necessary evil, this asking for financial assistance, and we know, we know, it comes with the nonprofit territory, but it’s so scary! And try (we do!) though we may to make sure we don’t come off like someone shaking a paper cup and droning, “chaaaange. chaaaange. chaaaaaange,” (it’s the ONLY South Park episode I’ve seen and I HIGHLY recommend it) sometimes it feels like that’s how our friends/followers/supporters may see it. (there MUST be an emotional support group for grassroots fundraisers like us… there’s GOT TO BE!)

But LO! What’s that? Our IndieGoGo campaign is new to the world and already THREE kind souls have given generously! Holy smokes!

We can’t express our gratitude enough (though try we will!) and we hope you, Dear Reader, will take a gander at our campaign and give a dollar… or two… or fifty (pushing it?) and maybe share our campaign with the folks you know. Bit by bit, we’ll get Alligator Summer on its feet and make you Squeaky Bike Lifers.

Check out our IndieGoGo campaign here.
Tickets for Alligator Summer (opening June 20) here.

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