
Q&A with set designer Brandon Pietras

Pop Dies in Vegas, sprung from the mind (yes, Zeus-style, as we imagine it to have happened) of
playwright W.M. Akers, is a never-ending cycle of hijinks revolving around the
desperation of two men fallen from the spotlight.  Grappling hooks, spray paint, zip lines,
blood and a bevy of weapons litter the crime scene, set in a posh Las Vegas hotel.  Set designer Brandon Pietras, shares his thoughts on the show:
Squeaky Bicycle:  What
was the first thought that came to mind after reading Pop Dies in Vegas?
Brandon Pietras:  “Oh
man, not another show with blood!”
SB:          What did
you find the most challenging about the project?
BP:         So far,
it’s been finding an affordable way to spray-paint and blood-proof the set.  The vision for the design came very quickly
initially, but it’s taken a lot of tweaking and fine tuning.  Also, citing everything we need efficiently
in the venue, which is quite small!
SB:          What kind
of research happened for this show?
BP:         I looked
through a ton of 1970’s interior design pictures and furniture pictures to get
an idea for the aesthetic, then we narrowed it down to a few images we liked
the best.  From there, I picked out color
swatches to inform the design, and used them to create the digital sketches for
the set.
SB:          Favorite
teen heartthrob (current or from your teen years)?
BP:         Oof, teen
heartthrob? I don’t know if I was ever the “heartthrob” type but
waaay back in the day I remember thinking Lindsay Lohan was cute in the Parent
Trap, but I wasn’t a teen then.  I always
listened to really old music from the 60’s and 70’s so I wasn’t really paying
attention to the Mistys of my day 🙂
SB:          Did you
have a super pop playlist to listen to for inspiration?
BP:         (laughs)No,
I didn’t.  It’s hard enough to escape
from Justin Bieber and One Direction on my commute – I didn’t have to go out of
my way to make a playlist!

Brandon Pietras graduated from Fordham University in 2012 with a degree in
Pre-Architecture. While at Fordham, he set designed for Bridget Carpenter’s The
Death of the Father of Psycoanalysis (& Anna)
, and a student written piece
Front Porch Play by Sean-Patrick Monahan. Pop Dies in Vegas is his first project with Squeaky Bicycle Productions.

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