
Get in the Ring with ALL GUTS AND SOME GLORY

In just under three weeks, you will have the opportunity to witness a competition like no other: The Velodrome Company’s “All Guts and Some Glory”! Presented at Theater for the New City, this pay-what-you-will event will be one to remember. On Monday, May 15th at 7pm, five playwrights from around the greater New York City area will gather together to compete for glory (and a respectable bar tab). They will be presenting original scenes to be judged by…

[drumroll please]

…YOU! You have the power to make or break these playwrights (or to just make them drunk). Either way, this night is sure to bring some fun surprises. We gave the playwrights full reign, and they gave us a whole lot of fun!

Without further ado, we introduce your competitors!

In one corner, we have one of our resident playwrights, W.M. Akers! Akers is a top competitor, coming off of the recent production of his play, Dead Man’s Dinner, a clear audience favorite.
Will he be able to serve up some delicious dialogue to win over the crowd again this time?

In the other corner, we have returning playwrights Emily Daly and Robert Zander Norman! Both playwrights were featured in the Velodrome kickoff event, “The Unconventional Convention,” in the fall of 2016.
Will either playwright have what it takes to leave the crowd wanting more?

And in yet another corner, we have returning favorites Jeff Johnson and William Kozy! Both Squeaky Bike favorites as actors, this will be their playwriting debut with us!
Will either one be able to withstand the competition in their new role, and finish victorious?

There’s only one way to find out the answers to all of these questions. Stay tuned for info on how to reserve your seat for a night that can’t be missed!

Members of the Velodrome Company